
Showing 14 of 119 posts

Leadership: Diversity in the workplace

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse.” So said Henry Ford on why he used his own initiative to develop the mass produced automobile – and the same logic can be applied to the issue of gender equity across organisations today. The reason Mr Ford didn’t ask…

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Five things to consider before quitting

Career Progression: Think you’re underpaid? Five things to consider before quitting

Are you feeling underpaid and undervalued at work? You are not alone. The latest Hudson research1 has found that 30.82% of employees surveyed in Australia felt that they were underpaid, a decrease from 36.22% who felt underpaid in 2018. Furthermore, 50.78% of the respondents received no pay increase in the last year and it wasn’t…

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Salary information

Hiring: Good salary vs right employment offer

A good salary vs the right employment offer When it comes to wooing quality talent in a competitive market, we all know money talks. When people change jobs, most will want or expect a pay increase compared to their previous job – and a hefty hike can act as a powerful lure. This is borne…

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Adaptability when hiring

Hiring: Hiring for adaptability

Why you should hire for adaptability to futureproof your business In my role at Hudson, I have a lot of conversations with senior leaders in businesses across Asia about the critical capabilities they need to hire to help their businesses adapt and change in a fast-moving world. No one wants to be the next Kodak….

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Video interview

Job Interviews: 10 tips to master a video job interview

Video interviews and Skype interviews are increasingly seen as a more efficient and cost-effective way to vet potential new employees – and with global hiring also becoming more commonplace, it’s worth understanding how best to maximise your chances if you’re invited to a video or Skype interview. It’s important to familiarise yourself with some Skype…

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Corporates vs startups: pieces of puzzle

New world of work: Corporates vs startups: an innovative solution

“Don’t fear disruption, be smart – harness it.” This is the advice to corporates from Karen Lawson, CEO of Slingshot, on the best way to compete with tech startups. Lawson was the guest speaker at a breakfast seminar that Hudson recently hosted in conjunction with the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI). She spoke about the…

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Superhero leader with other leaders

Leadership: Identify leaders: 4 qualities you may have overlooked

4 leadership qualities you may have overlooked when identifying future leaders Consider this quote from columnist Victor Lipman, who believes the most effective executives he’s met display “realistic assessments of their own abilities – their strengths and weaknesses, their effect on others, the gaps that needed to be filled.” That’s not to say the…

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What it takes to be a leader

Leadership: Do you have what it takes to be a leader?

Could you spot a future leader in a crowd? Or understand just what an emerging leader needs to work on before they can move up the leadership ladder? Research from Hudson points a way to doing exactly that. Based on BAQ psychological data, the research compares ‘emerging leaders’ – those who have been identified as…

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