Flex Careers: flexible work job platform

Flexible working

Despite the shift towards more flexibility in the workplace, flexible work options can still be daunting for candidates to bring up at the interview stage, for fear of missing out on a role. Yet job seekers are increasingly looking for flexibility, such as part-time work, working from home or different work hours, as technology and…

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How to plan your next career move in 6 easy steps

How to plan your next career move / how to start a new role

How to plan your next career move in 6 easy steps When was the last time you were really excited about your job? If you can’t remember, maybe it’s time to stop and rethink your career. Often, we end up in jobs and career paths because opportunities present themselves and it seemed like the right…

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Changing careers

Changing careers

The 7 most important questions to ask yourself before a career change ‘Act in haste, repent at leisure’, as the saying goes – and for career changers, this could not be truer. A complete career change is a major undertaking involving large amounts of time, effort and commitment – and because we spend so much…

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Do you have an unconscious bias in your recruitment?

unconscious bias in your recruitment

Do you have an unconscious bias in your recruitment? Your brain contains some 100 billion neurons and its blood vessels and transport systems stretch some 100,000 miles. Yet when it comes to the brain as a decision-making tool, one Nobel Prize winner argues there are only two sides of the brain that matter. Daniel Kahneman,…

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How to thrive in an uncertain job market?


If you’re in a job function, organisation or industry that is undergoing rapid transformation or disruption, you’ll know that some roles are quickly becoming outdated and even redundant. For some job functions, the writing is on the wall – whether it’s production-line manufacturing jobs that are being automated, print publishing sub-editors who are no longer…

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