Hiring for cultural fit: why managers get it wrong

Hiring for cultural fit

Hiring for cultural fit: why managers find it so hard and get it wrong so often I’m sure we can all think of a time we’ve worked with someone who wasn’t a good cultural fit. For hiring managers, you might even think of a specific person who you hired with high hopes, who turned out…

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Body language tips for your next job interview

Body language - smile - for your next job interview

Has anyone ever told you to “smile, it’s not that bad” when you thought you were looking perfectly pleasant? Maybe you have a nervous twitch or tic that you don’t even know about? When it comes to job interviews, you need to be aware of just what your body language is saying – because it…

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Functional resume example

Functional resume example

A functional resume emphasises skills, experience and abilities over work history and dates. To help you write your own functional resume, we’ve created this free resume example of a marketing and communications professional. Alex Citizen alex.citizen@email.com 0499 999 999 Linkedin.com/in/alexcitizen/ Career Profile Marketing and communications leader with extensive experience in sales, marketing and communications with…

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Job interview preparation – The definitive guide

Job interview preparation - The definitive guide

Job interview preparation – The definitive guide Are you preparing for a job interview and want to give yourself the best chance of getting an offer? Then you need to master the art of the interview with help from our interview preparation guide. Drawing on our extensive experience interviewing and placing candidates, combined with our…

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